Mon 27 Jan
💋💦ZORI'S💦💋👅Back 🍒👅💦Yes Ur FaVoRiTe💋👅Spontaneous Girl On Duty👅🎉💊LETS PARTY GUYS - 23
(Bronx, Incall/Outcalls)
Super negotiable Pretty Azzz Thick Lesbo Bi Freaky Tomboi Tasha 80🌹BBw 💋wit all that Azzzz 👅💦👍 - 26
(Bronx, Uptown Bronx incall)
Super Sexy.. Cute..Thick .Full Figured Busty FF Tits $60-30 min $100-1hr .22 INCALLS ONLY - 22
(Bronx, Bronx uptown)
Supa Thick > Brand New Vixen! The Juciest Bounciest Apple Bottom Around! - 20
(Bronx, HARLEM incalls & outcalls)
(¯`'•.¸ 💋 YoUr AfTeRnOoN WILL Be DeLiGhTFuLl CoMe EnJoY yOuRsELf💋 ¸.•'´¯) - 20
Hot & Ready To Satisfy.Fun Flirty Red Haired Let Me Go Beyond ur Wildest Desires - 27
(Orange County, in call buena park outcalls all o/c)
SuperFreaky Fun ..End Your Weeknd D'liciously !! All night ! - 23
(Bronx, <--No.Harlem Incalls/outcalls Only!)
Honey Come & Get Your Relaxing Sensual Massage @ HARBOR Massage 2day - 24
(Orange County, GARDEN GROVE CALL 714.360.6137 HARBOR)
SUP€R SEXY BoOty *! *!* PretTy LATiNA *!*__ *!* 💦💦 *!*__*!* ( AMAZ🍭NG SK🍭LLs) - WOW - - 24
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island City, Manhattan, Midtown East, North Bronx - Incall - #2/5, Queens, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
💋 Highly Seductive💋 Petite Spanish Doll💋 Sexy Latina💋 (Private Office NOT a Hotel) - 24
(East Memphis/Private Spa, Memphis)
ViSiTiNg BoOtY AnD BeAuTy GuYaNeSe 80$PeCiaL 34-26-48 ArE My MeAsUrEmEnTs SeXy ViDeO InSIDe - 25
(Bronx, White plains rd)
NORTH💦420 friendly 😱😱👀👀😝😝Upscale area up all night outcallz near me - 27
(Columbus, North Delaware Worthington)
*NO SPECIALS* Mrs & Mr Fetish. Articulate, Classy, Tasteful, and !!! Can read most big words!!! - 38
----New --> cute face, slim waist, long legs, soft skin, plush lips, and juicy booty
(Houston/ galleria)
"Valentines Carribbean Goddess Big Booty Chick!" $50 Special!!" Come get it fellas!" - 25
(Bronx, bronx/166st. boston rd area/incalls)
NeW/NeW dont miss out on my flatrate specials TODAY 100% real PICS:)in/out call - 26
(Columbus, northside!maize rd)
~__U__N__ L__O__C __K __~__ M__Y__~ __G__O __O__D__I__ E__'S__~ __N__ O__W__~__ 100% Independent - 22
(Bronx, outcalls only)
((North Columbus)) (●(NEW)●) ✨ (◇[F R E A K I E S T] ◇)✨ߌ (★[S T A R]★)ߌ ✨ ߢܨ(★[A R O U N D]★) ✨ - 23
(Columbus, Dublin Granville Incalls)
no games no drama 100 % upscale an discret come treat your self right this monday - 24
(Columbus, north columbus)
♥ »-(¯`v´¯)-» ~_G_E_T_ ~_I_N _~_O_N_~_T _H_E_~ _A_C_T_I_O_N . »-(¯`v´¯)-» ♥ - 21
(Bronx, Bronx♥iN♥oUtcaLl**aLl*nyc)
NAUGHTY lil SiSters!!! Working the Midnight Specials Early!!!! Spinner sisters - 21
(Houston and willing to travel to you)
____ Working Mans Special Available Now _ 34 F 30 34 _ Independent & Private_70 kisses_ - 26
(Richmond n dunvale)
Specials all night 2 girls!! U gotta check us out!! Fiona and mocha!! Sexy!! We - 19
(Boston road motel)
special for 2 girls Hennessey and Kenny 👅 Available #347.892.7525 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Manhattan Outcalls Delivery)
* ViSiTiNG * ♡▄♡ ▄♡ _______GORGEOUS BLUE EYES _______ ▄♡ ▄♡ — * ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄" 1OO $PECiAl" ▄♡ - 19
(Bronx, Bronx outcall only)
~((Gorgeous GREEN eYeS)) VISITING! *all NATURAL knockout** Sexy Curves w/ healing touch~ call me NOW - 21
(Orange County, OC, Irvine, Costa Mesa, NB Out/Incalls)
l❤ ❤•• ❤ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ❤❤ ❤ Theres a FIRST TIME for EVERYTHING ❤ ❤▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ ❤
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, 5,105,91 fwys n Lakewood Blvd or OUTCALL)
Kendra's Back & Available NOW! 💎 ✔ & I'm ☆ Alw@ys On My N@ughtiest ☆ Beh@vior!! ★ NO TEXTING★ - 34
(Scranton, WILKES BARRE)
{{New}}($70hhr) ▓▓ 🌸 💋🍒 ▓▓▆▃❤¨❇ BEST 💝 LooKinG 💋 EVER! ❇¨❤▃▆▓▓ 🍎🌴🍒 ▓▓▆▃ BEST Specials!!*CALL NOW!!* - 21
◆NEW ______ ◆ _______ BUSTY ______ ◆ _____ BRUNETTE _______ ◆ SPECIALS - 21
(Houston, Galleria Incall ONLY!)
💃👑 Mexican &' Creole Princess 👸💋 Lips That Will Have You MELT 👄 Come See What Makes Me BEST 😜😘 - 23
(Long Beach, 91/105/605/Downey/Paramount/Lakewood)
Sunday earlybird $80 specials [ NEW ]] ♥ [[ HOT EXOTIC PANAMANIAN V!XEN - 21
(Bronx, in/outs bronx&harlem;)
💋miXed EXOTIC 💎☑ REAL PHOTOS ☑ incall special only 💕 - 24
(Houston, Baytown i10 east garth rd incall 100)
# ❶ Miami Spa Open 24/7 Asian Massage █ - 26
(4505 Hwy 6 North)
Sunday $pecial$ ☄▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃🎊NEW BBw 💞☄▃▃▐▐▐▐▃▃ Super Freak▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃🌺 3473894033 - 22
(Bronx, pelham bay)
Miss ITTY BiTty😘💦 TiGhT 😻KiTtY NeW🌟 In ToWn incalls/outcalls - 20
(45@1960 HOUSTON 45@richie, City of Houston, Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands)
🗽💋🚫 STOP WHITE GIRL 👧 HERE ⤵and im a Scorpio ♏ let's have some fun 👅💋 7043521612 - 23
(Bronx, white plains ROAD)
Ms. Stacks $60quk $90half ($140HR 2x) (GREENVILLE) Saturday. PM 910-978-7206 - 20
(Eastern NC, Greenville Incalls)
MiDnIgHt rEnDeVeUx / oNe SuPeR JaZZi FeMaLe 281-508-6883 for ThA ExPeRiEcE Of Ur LiFe - 25
(southwest houston)
❤❤❤❤❤ SeXy BiG BoOtY 💎DiAmOnD💎 MaMi, 60 $pEcIaLs, TaStY Juicy N Yummy. MuahZzZzZ ❤❤❤❤❤ - 20
MlLF & Cookies! *:..:* 281 904 5810 *:..:* AFTERNOON SPECIAL TIL 3PM - 28
Exquisite Touch 👐🏽 Tantra with Devi; 💞Feel & Give LOVE: Advance Techniques end Rapid Response - 42
(10/1-4 LAX LBC OC, Carson, Cerritos, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Westside)
*Miss Kelli Badd* __ **Y0UR #1 PiCK** ___80 SPCL__ !!!! **ExTremely Addictive !!** NEW PICS !! - 20
(290 area // 80 SPECIAL)
MELISSA - First Time Ever on Backpage was Friday. Still Uniquely a Backpage Virgin! - 25
(Columbus, Pvt Residence on Broad St @ Wilaon Rd.)